NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author and Non-Fiction Writing Coach
It’s Time To Tell Your Story
I’m a New York Times bestselling author and an expert on the writing process.
Yes, an expert.
I know exactly how to navigate the book writing process and it doesn’t involve fancy software, the perfect desk, or a magic writing hat.
Services Offered
Developmental Edit
Have your full or partial manuscript evaluated for structure, flow, and content. What works? What doesn’t? What’s missing? What’s confusing? Is the structure of the book sound or could it be reworked to make the book more impactful? Is the tone consistent?
$10 per page
(based on standard manuscript formatting:
1″ margins, double-spaced,
12 pt font)
Book Coaching
Let’s turn your idea into a finished manuscript. We begin by developing your story, working through the outlining process, and constructing a writing schedule to keep you on track. You are held accountable and responsible for meeting your goals.
Coaching includes regular manuscript reviews, phone calls, emails, and/or video conferencing.
$1,750 per month
(3-month minimum)
Ghost Writing
I accept a limited number of ghost writing projects, which begin with 30-40 hours of recorded conversations.
Ghost writing requires a 6-month commitment. No additional fees are due if the project requires more time for completion.
$3,000 per month
(6-month commitment)
Publishing Consultant
Traditional Publishing: Assistance in beginning the path to traditional publication, including identifying literary agents, crafting query letters, and polishing book proposals.
Self-Publishing: Guidance through the self-publishing steps, from editing to ISBNs to navigating various sales platforms.
$1,750 per month
(1-month commitment)
Why invest in a coach?
Why work with AK Turner?
Struggling to start/finish your book?
Save months/years with your project.
I personally respond to all inquiries.
What To Expect
Strategic Planning
Goals & Targets
Proven Results

AK Turner is The New York Times bestselling author of the Vagabonding with Kids series (Brown Books) as well as This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store, Mommy Had a Little Flask, and Hair of the Corn Dog (Fever Streak Press). Her works have received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, IPPY Awards in Humor and Travel, and inclusion in BookLife’s Top 5 Indie Books of 2014.
Turner has traveled to Greece, Ireland, France, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, and Italy, and completed extended trips (two months or more) to Russia, Palau, Vanuatu, Mexico, Morocco, England, Spain, Australia, and Brazil.

She is a contributor to the anthologies Leave the Lipstick, Take the Iguana (Traveler’s Tales), Little White Dress (Mill Park Publishing), I Just Want to Be Perfect and I Just Want to Be Alone (Throat_Punch Books). Her work has been featured online at Money Inc, Scary Mommy, In the Powder Room, The Huffington Post, Nickmom, Felicity Huffman’s What the Flicka?, Home Exchange, Sivana Spirit, and Artocratic, among others, and in a variety of print publications. Podcast appearances include Overseas Property Insider, EOFire, Entrepreneur Decoded, Vroom Vroom Veer, Social Sidekick, Stop Riding the Pine, Family Adventure Podcast, and Inspirational Creatives, among others.
A former humor columnist, AK Turner serves on the board of the Idaho Writers Guild and speaks at conferences and in live comedy events. A former Writer-in-Residence for the City of Boise and Idaho State Parks, she lives in Idaho with her husband and two children, but travels frequently as a part-time digital nomad.

Praise For Amanda Turner
Writing a memoir of my immigrant journey while I am still battling challenges everyday in my life has been a struggle. Working with Amanda Turner has allowed me to pick up pieces of a fragmented narrative and flesh it out into a powerful story that is relevant to the political times we currently inhabit.
Writing a book is not an easy task and therefore relying on a sound critical voice and coach like Amanda can allow us to not only gain perspective on work that we might be close to but offer much needed discipline to churn out words that remain stuck in the pipeline for years before they see the light of day.
I think Amanda not only understood my story but pushed me to speak candidly about uncomfortable truths of discrimination. In her editorial comments I could see clearly wherever she saw that I was holding back from telling my story in instances where perhaps fear was clouding my judgement as a writer.
Amanda has allowed me to see what twists and turns my story needs, what chapters I need to introduce and elaborate on, what characters serve a purpose in propelling the story forward, how to restructure the contents of my story better, and what characters/ details should be left out so that the story emerges more powerful in its impact on the readers.
Writing this book has also been a journey of healing and confidence that I lost in the past few years as a young immigrant writer trying to find her voice. Working with Amanda has allowed me to retain the flavor of my native style of storytelling in a way that my experiences and words are accessible to an American audience.
What I got when I hired Amanda was beyond my expectations. Professional, persistent, patient and pragmatic, she got the job done. I wrote it, but Amanda polished it. From the initial outline to final edit, Amanda’s knowledge and skill was evident. I hope she’s available when I write my next book.
Amanda took my boring, meandering manuscript and brought it to life. Her insight and talent are remarkable and inspiring. In a few months, she helped me achieve what I couldn’t accomplish in two years. I only wish I’d found her much sooner.
Amanda’s coaching was instrumental in helping me structure my memoir into a cohesive narrative that is both authentic and compelling. She shares her expertise with endless enthusiasm. Her ability to communicate about the writing process itself and the personal process that goes along with it is demonstrated in a constructive, informed, and personable way.
When AK Turner speaks, you not only listen, you also laugh. A lot. The wellspring of humor that makes her writing so enjoyable is just as evident when she speaks, no matter whether she’s talking about the craft of writing, the all-important marketing platform, or simply weaving a delightful tale.
AK Turner radiates talent, enlightenment, and expertise as a respected and popular coach. I’ve been the grateful recipient of her guidance and appreciate how she incorporates her proven and creative strategies with an infectious sense of humor. Turner is a New York Times bestselling author, world traveler, humanitarian, and one of the best people I know.